Tuesday, May 28, 2013

More About Cartilaginous Fish

1. Bony fish drink a lot of seawater to say hydrated and excrete the concentrated salts through the gills and gut. With cartilaginous fish, they are expected over the gills, within urine, and rectal gland.

2. Cartilaginous fish are slow reproducing, and bony fish are fast reproducers.

3. Some sharks grasp the females pectoral fins, or bite and hold onto the body. 

SOURCE: http://goo.gl/lXVr3

SOURCE: http://goo.gl/yFHOn

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

What are Cartilaginous Fish?

1. What makes cartilaginous fish different from other fish? Give examples.
Skeletons made of cartilage, an example is the heart and blood.

2. List examples of cartilaginous fish.
Skates, Chimaeras, rays, bull sharks, banjo shark.

3. What is special about the sharks eye?
They have muscles that cal roll the eye back into the socket for protection.

4. What are the differences between bony fish and cartilaginous fish:
a. Heart and Blood - Sharks have fewer red blood cells, Bony fish have a bone marrow for hemopoiesis.
b. External features - Shark skin is covered by dermal denticles. Bony fish are covered in flat scales.
c. Digesting and Evacuation - Bony fish have two seperate openings, a rectum and an anus. Sharks kidneys & genitals empty into only one opening called the cloaca.

                                                                 Bony Fish

                                                               Cartilaginous Fish

Monday, May 13, 2013

Marine Arthropods

1. What are examples of marine arthropods?
  There are crustacea, Pycnogonida also called "sea spiders," and Merostomata also called "horseshoe crabs."

2. What's the difference between an arthropods skeleton and a human's?
  An arthropod's skeleton is on the outside and it protects them. The muscles of an arthropod are connected to the inside of the exoskeleton.

3. Compare/Contrast how arthropod's and humans move blood in their circulatory systems.
  Arthropods have an open circulatory system, which means they have no arteries, veins or capillaries to carry blood. Instead, blood is pumped through sinuses within the animal to reach the tissues.

4. How do the eyes of arthropods differ from your eyes?
  Arthropods have compound eyes. Each eye is composed of many smaller light-sensitive organs, called ommatidia. Together they form a single working eye.

5. How do humans use marine arthropods?
   We eat marine arthropods.

SOURCE: http://goo.gl/oWVlb
SOURCE: http://goo.gl/aM6vq

Friday, May 10, 2013

Marine Science Words of Wisdom

Life Lesson from a Sea Star
"When something is taken from you, it is horrible, but trust it is God's will and something else will replace it."

This quote is related to the sea star because when one of a sea stars arms is removed it will eventually grow back and be as good as new. The sea star represents what a person should believe when they are facing difficult times, the sea star can help us lear a little more about ourselves.

 SOURCE: http://goo.gl/wX3Kq
SOURCE: http://goo.gl/AIaex

Nine Major Animal Phyla

1. a) Phylum Poriferia-the sponges
    b) Phylum Coelenterata- Jelly fish
    c) Phylum Platyhelmin thes- the flat worms
    d) Phylum Nematoda- the roundworms
    e) Phylum Annelida- the segmented worms: leech
    f) Phylum Arthropoda- the anthropods: spiders
    g) Phylum Mollusca- the mollusks: snails
    h) Phylum echinoder mata- the echinoderms: seastars
    i) Phylum chordata- the chordates: fish
2. What types of habitat can the species be found in? & how does species digest food?
    a)marine/ holes, passes through its holes
    b) marine/ eats through its anus
    c) fresh salt/ passes through its holes
    d) fresh salt/ passes through its holes
    e) fresh salt/ passes through its holes
    f) all/ passes through its holes
    g) marine & fresh/ passes through its holes
    h) marine/ passes through its holes
    i) marine, fresh, terrestrial/ passes through its holes
4. Have you seen an example of a species in a phyla?
    a) no
    b) yes
    c) no
    d) yes
    e) yes
    f) yes
    g) yes
    h) yes
    i) yes
SOURCE: http://goo.gl/zzlCX
SOURCE: http://goo.gl/i5cA6

Monday, May 6, 2013

End of the Line Movie

                  Why should we humans be concerned about overfishing?
              Because valuable fish stocks, as well as a whole host of other marine life, are severely threatened by overfishing.

1. What are the "Big Five" fish we eat all the time?
    The Big Five fish are: Cod, haddock, tuna, salmon, & prawns.

2. What is a reason for not eating sharks or other deep  water fish?
They tend to be slow growing, long-lived species like redfish and orange roughy, which breed slowly and are therefore vulnerable to over-exploitation.

3. What are some "fish to eat," "fish to eat occasionally," and "fish to avoid?"
   Fish to eat include fish like cockle, anchovy, Arctic char, halibut, and pangasius. Fish to occasionally are fish such as flounder, grey mullet, haddock, white marlin, and plaice. Fish to avoid are fish such as prawn (wild caught), salmon, scampi, seabass, sturgeon, and caviar.

SOURCE: http://graphics8.nytimes.com/images/2006/11/08/dining/08bass.600.jpg

SOURCE: http://www.decoyswildlife.com/gallery/Fred_Kinne/Fla_Big_Five.jpg