1. a) Phylum Poriferia-the sponges
b) Phylum Coelenterata- Jelly fish
c) Phylum Platyhelmin thes- the flat worms
d) Phylum Nematoda- the roundworms
e) Phylum Annelida- the segmented worms: leech
f) Phylum Arthropoda- the anthropods: spiders
g) Phylum Mollusca- the mollusks: snails
h) Phylum echinoder mata- the echinoderms: seastars
i) Phylum chordata- the chordates: fish
2. What types of habitat can the species be found in? & how does species digest food?
a)marine/ holes, passes through its holes
b) marine/ eats through its anus
c) fresh salt/ passes through its holes
d) fresh salt/ passes through its holes
e) fresh salt/ passes through its holes
f) all/ passes through its holes
g) marine & fresh/ passes through its holes
h) marine/ passes through its holes
i) marine, fresh, terrestrial/ passes through its holes
4. Have you seen an example of a species in a phyla?
a) no
b) yes
c) no
d) yes
e) yes
f) yes
g) yes
h) yes
i) yes
SOURCE: http://goo.gl/zzlCX
SOURCE: http://goo.gl/i5cA6
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